Dental office in Londonderry

Taking care of your dental health should be a major concern. Regular dental visits should occur about twice a year or once every six months. These visits can help establish a rapport with your dentist, fill out your dental records, and allow you to benefit from screenings as well as effective preventative care. The next time you need a dental exam in Londonderry, you and your family can visit us here at Londonderry Family Dentistry for the comprehensive dental care and preventative treatment you need.
People of all ages should visit their dentist on a regular basis. Some only ever see their dentist if they happen to have a dental emergency, such when when they think they have a cavity or have suffered from a chipped or broken tooth, but only seeing your dentist when you need urgent care won’t save you any money. By limiting your dental visits, you are actually putting yourself at risk for dental issues like decay and disease, especially since preventative care does a lot to prevent these issues as well as treat them when they are in their earlier stages. Here at Londonderry Family Dentistry we offer x-rays, oral cancer screenings, gum disease evaluations and much more – all included in your basic dental exam in Londonderry. A dental checkup looks at the overall state of your oral cavity, looking for early signs of cavities and gum disease, treating issues as they develop, looking for signs of cancer, documenting your dental health beneath the gum line and looking at molars, wisdom teeth and more – plus with preventative cleanings, stubborn plaque and bacteria can be cleaned away, lessening your chances of decay and disease.
If you are overdue for a dental exam in Londonderry, please do not hesitate to call or visit us here at Londonderry Family Dentistry to set up your next appointment.